See the Pen Raindrops on Frosted Glass by Brian Savage (@brianrsavage) on CodePen.
A product option is used for products that come in different variations. Size and color are common examples of product options, but they can also be things like check-boxes or fields for custom text. Product options are made up of values. A size option would have values like small, medium, and large. For …
Returns the length of the given string.
Ideal regex delimiters in PHP 12 JULY 2014 in php, regex We want to find regular expression delimiters that enable us to avoid inserting additional escape sequences into our patterns. This is ideal when we want to inject foreign patterns where we can’t guarantee which characters will be used. Regex grammar Delimiters /foo/i Pattern /foo/i …
PHP preg_match Examples Use preg_match() to match strings with regular expressions. Check the return value for true to see if the expression did match. 1. Syntax of preg_match While full syntax is int preg_match ( string $pattern , string $subject [, array &$matches [, int $flags = 0 [, int …