Practice Time
“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”~ Anton Chekhov
- Now, is time to practice these concepts before you take the section quiz.
- Take a look at these fiddles again, change some of the content, move things around and see what happens. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE
- Studies have shown concepts are best remembered with not only information and quizzing, but also with hands on practice. Only you can decide how much you want to retain from this class, and taking the time to practice will help the information stick.
- These items are for your benefit, if you skip this part, you are stealing away from the value and knowledge made accessible to you through this class
- This particular array of fiddles have a lot of information in them, take the time to adjust, delete and practice with the list options.
Nothing is submitted, so when done, mark complete.
Your required quiz follows this lesson.
Click here to view a variety of list examples.
Click here to view an <ul>
Click here to view an <ul type>
Click here to view a nested <ul>
Click here to view an <ol>
Click here to view an <ol type="">
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