What are External style sheets?
An external style sheet is a separate file where you can declare all the styles that you want to use on your website. You then link to the external style sheet from all your HTML pages.
Click here to view an example of an external stylesheet
This means you only need to set the styles for each element once. If you want to update the style of your website, you only need to do it in one place.
The file can then be linked to any or all pages on the Web site, allowing the same styles to be applied to the entire site.
The filename extension indicates the language of the style sheet. The extension for CSS style sheets is .css.
An external style sheet looks like a list of embedded styles, except that the style declarations are not enclosed within opening and closing <style> tags.
The following style declaration in an external style sheet: h1 {text-align: center; color: red}
would cause all Web pages linked to that style sheet to have their h1 headings displayed in centered red text.
The great advantage of external style sheets is that you can create and change the style for an entire Web site by modifying one style sheet rather than editing the code of dozens of Web pages.