inside out PHP Project Change Log

STEP-203 to STEP-204

Updated Files

In the video we discuss several changes we have implemented to prepare for our php application additions. Additionally we completed a few refactoring steps to help reduce our code and make certain we are positioning ourselves for the best development experience possible. Please make certain your code is in line with the provided examples.

Copy and paste the code from below to update your files. Be sure to review the changes and understand why the changes were made.

In the video we discuss several changes we have implemented to prepare for our php application additions. Additionally we completed a few refactoring steps to help reduce our code and make certain we are positioning ourselves for the best development experience possible. Please make certain your code is in line with the provided example code.

In the video we discuss several changes we have implemented to prepare for our php application additions. Additionally we completed a few refactoring steps to help reduce our code and make certain we are positioning ourselves for the best development experience possible. Please make certain your code is in line with the provided example code.

In the video we discuss several changes we have implemented to prepare for our php application additions. Additionally we completed a few refactoring steps to help reduce our code and make certain we are positioning ourselves for the best development experience possible. Please make certain your code is in line with the provided example code.

In the video we discuss several changes we have implemented to prepare for our php application additions. Additionally we completed a few refactoring steps to help reduce our code and make certain we are positioning ourselves for the best development experience possible. Please make certain your code is in line with the provided example code.

Remenber to delete the css files you no longer need.

Added Files

In the video we discuss several changes we have implemented to prepare for our php application additions. Additionally we completed a few refactoring steps to help reduce our code and make certain we are positioning ourselves for the best development experience possible. Please make certain your code is in line with the provided example code.

Add the code below to your new file and test it.

Add the code below to your new file and test it.

Add the code below to your new file and test it.

Add the code below to your new file and test it.

Add the code below to your new file and test it. are positioning ourselves for the best development experience possible. Please make certain your code is in line with the provided example code.

In the video we discuss several changes we have implemented to prepare for our php application additions. Additionally we completed a few refactoring steps to help reduce our code and make certain we are positioning ourselves for the best development experience possible. Please make certain your code is in line with the provided example code.

Remenber to delete the js files you no longer need.

Download the js and css files and place them in the assets folder subfolders js/css.

  • File Name
    What To Do

Deleted Files

In the video we discuss several changes we have implemented to prepare for our php application additions. Additionally we completed a few refactoring steps to help reduce our code and make certain we are positioning ourselves for the best development experience possible. Please make certain your code is in line with the provided example code.

All styles in file have been relocated to the style.css file.

All styles in file have been relocated to the style.css file.

All styles in file have been relocated to the app.js file.