Overview In this lesson we take a look at what application program interfaces are and how we use them to connect multiple applications/websites together. We learn about REST API Calls, used to communicate information requested by the calls as well as a popular format in which the data is returned …
Complete the following: Create a folder in your “htdocs/series/” folder named “hit-counter”. Create all files in your “htdocs/series/hit-counter” folder. Write the code using the supplied videos. Save a copy of your database to your “htdocs/series/hit-counter” folder. Submitting Assignment: Save folders and file named “series/hit-counter/” in your GitHub “WEB-230-Assignments” repository and submit a …
Complete the following: Create a folder in your “htdocs/series/” folder named “mysql-select”. Copy the “connect.inc.php” file from the previous lesson in to this folder. Complete the following for each of the videos associated with this lesson: Beginner PHP Tutorial – 115 – SELECT Part 1 create a file named index-115.php and …
Overview In this lesson, we learn about managing a store logo, a favorite icon, and setting up email on an OpenCart Ecommerce web store. We will take what we have learned and apply it in our inside out project ecommerce web store by implementing related products to our shape products. …
Complete the following: Create a folder in your “learning-jquery/using-jquery-core/” folder named “document-ready”. Create a file in your “learning-jquery/using-jquery-core/document-ready” folder named “index.html”. Write the code that that results from working through the supplied “Assignment Resources“. Answer the question commented in the code with commented answers in your code. Question can be …
Complete the following: Create a folder named “dollar-object-vs-function” in your “/learning-jquery/using-jquery-core/” folder . Create a file in your “/using-jquery-core/dollar-object-vs-function/” folder named “index.html”. Write the code in the dollar-object-vs-function lesson page. Answer the question commented in the sample code with commented answers in your code. Question can be found in the index.html …
Please note that the video is focused on using mysql_connect and mysql_select_db which are both deprecated functions that have been replaced with mysqli_connect. So be sure to use the video as a means of understanding how to connect to a database and use the supplied example as the way you need …
Overview In this lesson, we learn about digital coupons as they relate to ecommerce websites. We will take what we have learned and apply it in our inside out project ecommerce web store by implementing related products to our shape products. Please complete the following action items: Action Items to …
Complete the following: Through using the GURU99 online tutorial install “MySQL Workbench” on your computer and connect it to your “localhost”. Be sure to review the screenshot so you are certain to grab it when it is displayed.(web-230-108-109-intro-to-mysql-workbench.png) take a screenshot of the interface after connecting to the localhost. Save …