inside out – STEP 002 | Setting Up HTML Page – Assignment
In this lesson you will complete the following steps to begin creating you first page of the inside out HTML website. Each action item has been linked to the time stamp in the lesson video to help you focus on learning rather than searching for information. Please be sure to complete each step as demonstrated in the video.
Action Items to Complete
- Complete all steps completed in the video “STEP 002 | Creating Our First Page (HTML)”.
- 00:00 – Setup your local (on your computer) work area.
- 00:53 – Point Brackets to your local website directory.
- 01:35 – Create the index.html file.
- 02:09 – Setup up your browser to review changes as you work on the page.
- 04:03 – Learn how to view the “page source” in a browser.
- 04:21 – Create the <!doctype html> in you index.html file.
- 05:12 – Create the <html> elementin you index.html file.
- 06:01 – Learn how to write HTML comments in you index.html file.
- 10:12 – Create the <head> element in you index.html file.
- 10:39 – Understand how to, and why we, indent code (nesting elements)
- 11:37 – Understand the data/info that goes in the <head> element.
- 12:30 – Create the <body> element in you index.html file.
- 15:23 – Create the <meta charset=”utf-8″> element in you index.html file.
- 16:11 – Understand the basics of what utf-8 is.
- 17:39 – Create the <title> element in you index.html file.
- 18:29 – Create the <meta name=”description” content=”info”/> element in you index.html file.
- 19:49 – Understand how the title/description is used by search engines.
- 23:30 – Create a multiline comment.
- 25:29 – Understand how the title/description is used by other sites.
- 27:06 – Learn how the Beautify plugin in Brackets helps you clean your HTML code.
- 29:24 – Learn how to collapse code in you ide.
- 30:16 – Add content to the <body> element
- 30:38 – Basic understanding of what Semantic Elements are.
- 33:15 – Create the <header> element in you index.html file.
- 36:25 – Create the <footer> element in you index.html file.
- 36:37 – Create the <p> element in you index.html file.
- 36:47 – Understand the differance between block & line elements.
- 42:26 – Create the <section> element in you index.html file.
- 44:33 – Add an inline style attribute to your <header> & <footer> (a touch of css)
- Open the index.html file we created on your server, in the “inside out – STEP 002 | Setting Up HTML Page – Assignment”, in a browser and copy the link.
- Submit the url to this file on your server once you have validated your work and are confident you have completed everything. The link should look similar to the following link: Additionally you page there should look like the one you see when you go here:
- If you have trouble with remembering how to do this please rewatch the “Setup inside-out-html sub-domain – Lesson” video which has been placed below for you under the “Assignment Resources” section.