Your client has requested that this video be included in their WordPress website that you created and support for them. Like most freelance web developers you have a choice to outsource the verbiage or write it yourself. In this case you are going to be writing it yourself. After …
Based on Dr. Seuss’s final book before his death, this is a story about life’s ups and downs, told by the people of Burning Man. “Best Short” – New Media Film Festival, Los Angeles, CA. “Best Short” – Ascona Film Festival in Italy. “Best Score” – Moondance Film festival in …
This is an opportunity for you to increase your overall grade. Please keep in mind the grading information provided. You see; this additional credit is based on my perception of your reality. Unfair maybe. But circumstantial. I will balance your feedback against my perceived authenticity; your grade is leveraged against the entire success of the Web Application …
Your client has requested that this video be included in their WordPress website that you created and support for them. Like most freelance web developers you have a choice to outsource the verbiage or write it yourself. In this case you are going to be writing it yourself. After …
The prison of your mind TEDx Talks Published on Jun 12, 2014 SUBSCRIBE 8.7M so I’m trying to compose my my blog post for tonight and I’m thinking it sounds really believable that I went to prison and hugged a bunch of really nice prisoners while a DJ dizzy threw on …