WEB-200 | Course Overview
Welcome to the WEB-200, E-Commerce class.
E-Commerce is a skill that fits in the toolbox across a wide range of careers. In today’s world, more and more is required of employees and business owners. Having the ability to design websites is a value add for any resume. Most employees will find themselves as a part of a web development project and the knowledge you receive from this class will position you to a stronger voice and place at the table of discussion. This course will equip you to be able to participate in those discussions and make a meaningful contribution in your future career whether it is as a web developer, marketing professional, entrepreneur, IT professional, teacher, or many other careers.
As you can see, no books are required for this course. This learning resource has been designed just for you to provide a hands-on learning experience that cannot be duplicated from a book. The only purchase requirement for this class is a hosted domain at Egavas Hosting. For Web development majors, Adobe CC is a required purchase as you will be utilizing it in your future classes and career. In web development, it is important to know how to register and utilize a hosting control panel. In this class, you will receive plenty of hands-on experience in this area.
I look forward to working with you here in this course. The Web Database class is taught by Information Technology professionals to help students feel comfortable planning and designing websites using fundamental web design principles. In addition, you will also learn several tools to evaluate and analyze web page designs. This course focuses on the use of basic and intermediate level of PHP & MySQL Database.
The Course
We will start with a brief introduction of PHP and MySQL, terminology, and techniques used to leverage these technologies in today’s fast paced industry of website & application development.
Total Grade
Grading for this course will be broken in to three main categories and weighted as follows:
- Assignments …………….. 40%
- Projects ……………………. 40%
- Exams ……………………… 20%
Assignments and Knowledge Checks
Anything provided under lesson resources is a required portion of the course. The expectation is that you will utilize all lesson resources provided.
At the end of each section, a Knowledge Check will be provided. These are a part of your overall quiz grade. Be sure to have all your resources open, including the previous lesson if need be to take these Knowledge Checks.
There are 2 attempts for the Knowledge Check and both attempts count towards your final quiz grade.
Throughout the course, there will be several hands-on opportunities to practice the new skills you will be learning. Take advantage of those opportunities and be sure you understand each step as you go along. Building the Inside Out project will require a variety of those skills, so understanding is very important to success in the course.
There is an expectation to submit all assignments on time. Each assignment in this course builds on the next assignment. Once one assignment is missed or late, the rest of the work will be as well. As a result, all late assignments will be deducted 20% for each day they are submitted late. If something comes up in your life that blocks you from your assignment completion or attendance, please let me know. IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR SUCCESS, I WILL AS WELL. Sometimes students answer to falling behind is giving up. If you find yourself in this position, please don’t hesitate to talk to your me. You may find yourself surprised at what lengths I will go to in order to foster your success.
If you are attending this class in person, your attendance is necessary for success. For every unexcused absence, two points will be deducted from your final grade. This does not imply that attendance is a percentage of your final grade, it is not. However, your lack of attendance can impact your grade. So, should you need to miss a class, to avoid deduction, it is expected you will contact your professor prior to class with reason as to why you will be missing class. Your professor will determine whether it is an excusable absence. As the student, you are responsible for making up any missed work from the absence.
Classes will begin promptly at the designated time. The expectation is to have google, your current project work, and hosting control panel open and ready to begin class.
- Why Google? – One of the fundamental skills in web development is knowing how to obtain the information. You will never have all that information memorized, therefore in my classes when questions are asked, if hands are not raised, fingers should be on keyboards finding the answers. Additionally, leveraging this resource will become increasingly valuable as you go through the quizzes and projects.
Online students also need to be logging on a regular basis to check for updates and any changes to the assignment.