inside out - others

continuously falling forward in to the light...

The dividing line [between friends and acquaintances] is communication, I think. A friend is someone to whom you can say any jackass thing that enters your mind. With acquaintances, you are forever aware of their slightly unreal image of you, and to keep them content, you edit yourself to fit. Many marriages are between acquaintances. You can be with a person for three hours of your life and have a friend. Another will remain an acquaintance for thirty years.
- John D. MacDonald

brushes with people that have left paint on my canvas...
Name Relationship Information
Eran J Holt Associate Pastor that I accompanied during trips to the Dominican Republic.
Lorraine Belcher Chamberlain Acquaintance Person I met through working at Godiva and going to Old Saybrook CT
Ryan Pauly Casual Acquaintance Apologetic I met during one of my visits to the Dominican Republic.